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ABC Bankers’ Cycling

Event Details

Dear Cyclists,

We are thrilled that the event “Bankers Cycling” will take place in just a few days. More than 300 people will be cycling together around the beautiful temples of Angkor and raise awareness for Sustainable Finance.

Before we will meet in Siem Reap to hit in the pedals, we would like to share some more information with you upfront.

Hence, please note some information as follows:

  • Registration and bicycle pick up will be open from 6AM at the Terrace of the Elephants near Angkor Thom.
  • For all registered cyclists the package includes and we will provide a medal, bicycle, helmet, refreshment (banana, apple, bread and water).
  • As only 10 people have signed up for the 10km route, we have discussed with the National Olympic Committee (NOC) and agreed that, all cyclists will ride the same route of 18km. If you wish to know which temples you will be seeing on that track, please watch this video (​).
  • Please note, that all foreigner (non-Khmer nationals) are still required to obtain an Angkor Wat ticket by themselves. The cost for this is carried by each individual cyclist.
  • If you incur any problem along the road, you can contact our team. Support vehicles will also follow the cyclists, which can provide medical assistance as well as mechanical assistance for your bicycle.

The ABC and the partner organizers will make sure that certain safety measures are in place. All rules and measures set and recommended by the Ministry of Health will be followed.

The following measures will be taken:

  • A temperature check will be made at the Registration.
  • At the start of the track, bicycles will be positioned apart from each other to keep adequate social distancing.
  • While not cycling (before and after the ride), we suggest to all participants and attendees to wear face masks.
  • Face Masks and Hand Sanitizer will be provided for free at the event.

Please be assured that “Bankers´ Cycling” will be a safe event and that all participants can enjoy the beauty of Angkor without any fear of COVID.

We look forward to see you in Siem Reap in order to promote Sustainable Finance and healthy living.



06:00 - 06:30
Preparing Bicycles
06:30 - 07:00
Arrival of Guests and VIP
07:00 - 09:00
Start to Ride Bicycle
09:00 - 09:10
Welcome Speech
ABC Council Member
09:10 - 09:20
Opening Speech
Representative of NOCC
09:20 - 09:40
Giving Award
09:40 - 10:00
Group Photos
10:00 - 10:25
Lucky Draw and Activities
10:25 - 10:30
The End Program


Jul 22 2022


06:00 - 07:00


Terrace of the Elephants Krong Siem Reap, Cambodia
Terrace of the Elephants Krong Siem Reap, Cambodia
Krong Siem Reap, Cambodia


  • ABC Bankers' Cycling 2022 Sponsors