The Articles of the Association of Banks in Cambodia (ABC); dated 28th August 2001 required to have the Annual General Meeting (AGM) conducted on the annually basis.
For 2024, the AGM was conducted on 28th March at Hyatt Regency Phnom Penh Hotel. The key activities include welcome to the ABC’s New Member Banks, shared the summary report and run the vote-casting for electing the New Council Members and the office bearers for 2024-2025 tenure.
The Council Members by alphabetically order for 2024-2025
- ACLEDA Bank Plc., Represented by Mrs. Mar Amara, Designated President & Group Managing Director
- Advanced Bank of Asia Limited, Represented by Mr. Zhiger Atchabarov, Chief Operating Officer
- Angkor Capital Specialized Bank, Represented by Mr. Pen Makara, CEO
- Cambodia Microfinance Association, Represented by Madam Dith Nita, Chairperson
- Cambodia Post Bank Plc., Represented by Toch Chaochek, CEO
- Cambodian Association of Finance and Technology (CAFT), Represented by Mr. PELL Remisisophon, Chairman
- Cambodian Public Bank Plc., Represented by Mr. Ong Ming Teck, Chief Executive Officer
- Canadia Bank Plc., Represented by Mr. Raymond Sia Say Guan, CEO and Executive Director
- Foreign Trade Bank of Cambodia, Represented by Mr Dith Sochal, CEO
- Maybank (Cambodia) Plc., Represented by Mr. Rath Sophoan, Chief Executive Officer & Country Head, Maybank Cambodia
- Microfinance Deposit-Taking Institution, Represented by Mr. Kea Borann, Chief Executive Officer of AMK MFI Plc.
- WING Bank (Cambodia) Plc., Represented by Mr. Han Peng Kwang, Chief Executive Officer
Our Council Member 2024-2025:

Mr. Rath Sophoan
Mr. Raymond Sia Say Guan
Vice Chairman
Mr. Han Peng Kwang
Mrs. Mar Amara
Mr. Zhiger Atchabarov
Mr. Ong Ming Teck
Mr.Toch Chaochek
Mr Dith Sochal
Mr. Pen Makara
Madam Dith Nita
Mr. Remi Pell
Mr. Kea Borann
MEMBERThe Office Bearers for 2024-2025:
Chairman: Maybank (Cambodia) Plc.
Represented by Mr. Rath Sophoan, Chief Executive Officer & Country Head, Maybank Cambodia
Vice Chairman: Canadia Bank Plc.
Represented by Mr. Raymond Sia Say Guan, CEO and Executive Director
Treasurer: WING Bank (Cambodia) Plc.
Represented by Mr. Han Peng Kwang, Chief Executive Officer