AFIN & Cybersecurity Workshop in PhnomThe evolving cosmos of Cybercrime and Cybersecurity has also reached Cambodia. As one of the first events of this kind in the Cambodian financial sector, the Association of Banks of Cambodia (ABC) held the AFIN & Cybersecurity Workshop on the 3rd of April 2018.
In collaboration with the ASEAN Bankers Association (ABA) and the Association of Banks in Singapore (ABS), ABC was able to deliver an array of presentations to more than 100 Cambodian Bankers and Microfinance professionals.
With various speakers from the public as well as private sector, the event covered different perspectives and fields of the topic. Speakers were professionals from consulting, banking, monetary authorities and several other industries, which closely relate to the cyberspace.
The full-day workshop covered a wide range of topics circulating the digital economy. First on the stage, Mr Sopnendu Mohanty of the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) and Mr Ivan Mortimer Schutts of the International Finance Cooperation (IFC) presented the far reaching project of the ASEAN Financial Innovation Network (AFIN), which will enable financial institutions to tab into the potential of a vast array of FinTech firms at a fraction of the normal cost. The presentation of AFIN was followed by Mr Gregory Sim, who serves as Head Information Security Officer at Standard Chartered Bank, sharing other cyber initiatives, which are evolving in ASEAN. Penh, Cambodia
Recent lessons and experiences of cyber attacks were shared by Mr Jonathan Phua, Director of Insider Security, a company specializing in offering its clients cybersecurity solutions by tracking digital events within networks. Mr Bennet Toh, Senior Manger at Accenture, showcased practical insights on the tools and techniques of cybersecurity used and offered in the specialized consulting field. The last presentation was held Mr OU Phannarith, the Director of ICT Security at the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications (MoPT) of Cambodia. Given his position, he was able to share various legislative efforts taken by the Cambodian government and what can be expected over the coming years.

Mr Charles Vann, Acting Chairman of ABC and Executive Vice President of Canadia Bank, opened the event by giving the welcome speech. He addressed all speakers, the attendees and praised the collaboration of the different Associations in the spirit of ASEAN, “One Vision, One Identity, One Community”. The welcome speech was followed by the opening speech given by Mr Nget Sovannarith, Deputy Director General of Banking Supervision at the National Bank of Cambodia. Mr Nget also addressed the borderless nature of Cybercrimes and praised the efforts taken by the private sector to take initiative to improve and to enhance Cybersecurity measures in the region. Furthermore, he provided a glimpse on efforts of the Cambodian Government, which is in the process of drafting relevant cyberlaws to also address the problem from a legal standpoint.